However, there weren't many jobs that women could do apart from being a . Why does Viola disguise herself as a man? As I have discovered there are many reasons why Viola would disguise herself as a man. It would explain her high voice and small frame. Viola cuts her hair and disguises herself as Cessario in order to serve Duke Orsinio. He is Viola's butler. This helps with the development of the plot because viola in her disguise becomes the man that Olivia falls in love with and unveils herself for. She disguises herself as a young man, calling herself Cesario, and becomes a page to Duke Orsino. In Elizabethan England, women were not allowed to act professionally, and female parts were all performed by men, so Viola would have actually been played by a male actor, dressing as a woman dressing as a man. On the other hand, Maria, Olivia's servant, writes a letter to Malvolio in Olivia's handwriting to make Malvolio act foolishly because of his love for Olivia.


The line is the first time Viola speaks about her attraction to Orsino, and it reveals to the audience that, by disguising herself, she has put herself in a challenging and precarious situation. Just as Viola's male disguise enables her to get close to Lady Olivia, dressing as a man allows Viola to experience a great degree of intimacy with Duke Orsino. Viola is not a cruel, skeptical, or an egotistical woman, but as a man she believes she had to act that way and that is why she is further convinced that her disguise is "wickedness". Viola has been shipwrecked in a strange country where she knows nobody.

4.1/5 (144 Views . In Twelfth Night, Viola dresses as the male Cesario in order to gain entry into Orsino's court. She has no means of support so she needs a job. Also, Viola would not have had the freedom, or the chance to view life from the male perspective. One of the most common plot lines used in relation to disguise is when a woman such as Rosalind in As You Like It disguises herself as a man. Why does Viola become a man in Twelfth Night? Often, the Triangulation of Desire becomes more about _____ than about finding true love. Without this important element, the action in the play would slow down dramatically, making the story much… 1) Why does Viola disguise herself as a man ? A child.

This disguise helps her to get the job of a page at the court of the noble duke, Orsino. At no point does she pretend to be Sebastian. Answer (1 of 3): Viola has been shipwrecked in Illyria, a land that she doesn't know and she is probably feeling very insecure and frightened. Viola's disguise as Orsino's page, Cesario, becomes crucial to the action in the play. Throughout Twelfth Night, disguise and mistaken identity works as a catalyst for confusion and disorder which consistently contributes towards the dramatic comic genre of the play. The characters in the play often used deception for a variety of purposes. Carry a letter from her father. B. Viola disguises herself as a boy to become Orsino's servant. Viola cuts her hair and disguises herself as Cessario in order to serve Duke Orsinio. 1. Although her disguise puts her in an impossible position, she maintains self-control and a quiet . Viola's use of deception involves her disguising herself as a man in order to obtain a job with the Duke of Illyria, Orsino. B. . Not knowing what to do or where to go, Viola decides to disguise herself as a boy and, calling herself . She decides to disguise herself as her brother so that she can join the boys' soccer team and prove this wrong. In Twelfth Night, Viola dresses as the male Cesario in order to gain entry into Orsino's court. Viola wants to play soccer and is very good at it, but her school does not prioritize girls' sports, and she is not allowed to try out for the boys' team based on the blanket assumption that girls can never be as good at soccer as boys.
She puts on makeup to make herself resemble an old woman. D. She does not disguise herself. He is Orsino's fool. Explore the use of Disguise and Deception in Twelfth Night Many characters within Twelfth Night create disguises for themselves, beginning with Viola, who disguises herself as a male in order to make everyone in Illyria believe that she is in fact a man. She falls in love with the duke, who loves Olivia, who falls for his new servant, Cesario. 4) Why do Toby and his gang decide to trick Malvolio ? Why does Viola disguise herself as a man? Her interest in Cesario makes it more difficult for Orsino to woo her and for Viola to eventually reveal herself. ♦ How can Why does Viola disguise herself as a man? a sailor who looks after and cares for Sebastian. does not seek service with Olivia. This disguise helps her to get the job of a page at the court of the noble duke, Orsino. Why does Viola disguise herself as a man? Application : 5) List 3 types of love in the play and explain how they are different from each other. However, we can help pupils imagine the world of the play and its characters by picking out some . She is a "poor monster" in her own sad opinion. Washed up on the shore of Illyria when her ship is wrecked in a storm, Viola decides to make her own way in the world.

The relationship between gender and performance is particularly complex in Twelfth Night because the part of Viola is played by a boy actor, who is cross-dressed as a female character, who disguises herself as a young man. Twelfth Night: FAQs ♦ Why is the play set in Illyria? While in disguise, she has been charged with wooing Olivia on behalf of Orsino, but by now Viola is in love with Orsino herself. As in most comedies, William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night extensively uses disguises, masks, and mistaken identities to add to the comical nature of the play. Dress like her brother. She has her twin brother in mind when disguising herself but she does not Through cross dressing and an insane amount of deception, a love triangle forms between Olivia, Viola, and the Duke. This play was written during the Elizabethan period, where woman had more subservient roles. Successful managers and entrepreneurs recognize that: a. technical knowledge is all that is needed for success. Viola (Cesario) handmaid to the Countess, writes the letter to Malvolio, Toby's girlfriend. From Studies in Shakespeare by Richard Grant White, Boston: Houghton-Mifflin.. How does Viola disguise herself? Throughout Twelfth Night, disguise and mistaken identity works as a catalyst for confusion and disorder which consistently contributes towards the dramatic comic genre of the play. What is Malvolio's position? She's the Man is a 2006 American romantic comedy teen sports film directed by Andy Fickman and starring Amanda Bynes, Channing Tatum, Laura Ramsey, Vinnie Jones, and David Cross.Inspired by William Shakespeare's play Twelfth Night, the film centers on teenager Viola Hastings, who enters her brother's new boarding school, Illyria Prep, in his place and pretends to be a boy in order to play on . This has serious consequences for herself and the others around her. Why did Viola disguise herself as a man? In the play, Viola disguises herself as a man named Cesario while Olivia goes to work in the house of Duke Orsino. As in most comedies, Twelfth Night extensively uses disguise, masks, trickeries, mistaken identities to add to the comical natu. As Viola's vocal abilities are not further mentioned in the play, it becomes clear that she does not decide to disguise herself as a eunuch simply because eunuchs, like the castrati of the Church, were known for their high-pitched voices. Probably the most important and far reaching deception in the play is Viola's disguise as a man, 'Cesario'. Of course, the text also meditates on the relationship between gender and desire as it explores the erotics of androgyny. Per 6- Opening Scene- What news does Valentine bring to the Duke and why is . See full answer below. The easy answer is that Shakespeare always uses people in disguise to complicate his plots (Peck and Coyle-93). d. an understanding of human behavior does not impact effectiveness ( Challenging; pp. This was intriguing because it is not entirely clear why she wants to be disguised as a man.

As the events of the play unfold it is important for any actor playing Viola, and anyone writing about the character, to ask: Why does Viola disguise herself as 'Cesario'? How will Viola keep herself safe in Illyria after she arrives? In the beginning of the play, she dresses up as a male in order to conceal her identity and to get a job at Orsino's court. In Twelfth Night , Viola dresses as the male Cesario in order to gain entry into Orsino's court. Often, when working with Shakespeare, we start with the unfamiliar words and leave it at that. Why is Twelfth Night called Twelfth Night? 8. Many characters in Twelfth Night assume disguises, beginning with Viola, who disguises herself as a man in order to serve Orsino, the Duke. " Twelfth Night " is a reference to the twelfth night after Christmas Day, called the Eve of the Feast of Epiphany. Gender Disguise in Shakespeare. An old woman. However, Viola had nothing to loose if her disguise was revealed. Castrated boys, like hermaphrodites, straddled the divide between the male and female genders. She falls in love with the duke, who loves Olivia, who falls for his new servant, Cesario. (A) She puts on makeup to make herself resemble an old woman (B) She dresses like a man (C) She shaves her head and wears a false beard (D) She does not disguise herself 8. Viola lands in Illyria after a shipwreck in which her twin brother, Sebastian is lost. C. Most readers of Shakespeare have a very clear ideal of Rosalind. Viola disguises herself as a man, Cesario, so that she can get employment by serving Duke Orsino. The Captain tells her the story of the Lady Olivia and Duke Orsino. She has her twin brother in mind when disguising herself but she does not Through cross dressing and an insane amount of deception, a love triangle forms between Olivia, Viola, and the Duke. Likewise, why does Viola want to disguise herself? ( 6 .

Viola has been shipwrecked in a strange country where she knows nobody. However, there weren't many jobs that women could do apart from being a . This stirs up more dramatic irony as the audience knows that Cesario is actually Viola in disguise. Thus, Viola finds that her clever disguise has entrapped her: she cannot tell Orsino that she loves him, and she cannot tell Olivia why she, as Cesario, cannot love her.

To protect herself she decides to disguise herself as a man and calls herself Cesario. Just as Viola's male disguise enables her to get close to Lady Olivia, dressing as a man allows Viola to experience a great degree of intimacy with Duke Orsino. She dresses like a man. the character who helps Viola disguise herself as a man. 7. 2) Why will Olivia at the start of the play not admit anyone to see her ? So instead Viola decides that go into the service of Orsino, with the help of the Captain: Conceal me what I am, and be my aid For such disguise as haply shall become The form of my intent. 929 Words4 Pages. This play was written during the Elizabethan period, where woman had more subservient roles. Yet, Viola's disguise brings with it a strain of melancholy, lessening her assumed gender roles' comic impact on the play. It also provides a comedic effect when she falls in love with the Duke.

The line is the first time Viola speaks about her attraction to Orsino, and it reveals to the audience that, by disguising herself, she has put herself in a challenging and precarious situation. The reason that Viola hides herself (by wearing men's clothing and pretending to be Cesario) is that she wants to find her brother, Sebastian.. Sebastian has been shipwrecked but Viola has reason . Per.6 Characters Why does Viola disguise herself as a man? As the boy servant, "Cesario," Viola quickly becomes Orsino's favorite page and is given the task of wooing . In order to do so, she must disguise herself as a man, later known as Cesario, to assist her in . It allows her greater freedom as a man during this time. One of the most common plot lines used in relation to disguise is when a woman such as Rosalind in As You Like It disguises herself as a man. When the Captain replies that Olivia 'will admit no kind of suit', Viola decides to serve Orsino instead, asking the Captain to help disguise her as a young man.

This is Viola's judgment once she realizes that Olivia has fallen in love with her outside. A eunuch. How does Viola subtly tell Orsino the truth about herself? Protagonist of the story, is believed to be the only survivor of a shipwreck. Viola's Disguise In Twelfth Night. Many characters in Twelfth Night assume disguises, beginning with Viola, who disguises herself as a man in order to serve Orsino, the Duke. 3) Why cannot Antonio accompany Sebastian into the city centre ? 3. After Shakespeare discovers his star's true identity, he and Viola begin a passionate secret affair. It also provides a comedic effect when she falls in love with the Duke. Which one of the following is not . The first time we see it is with Viola, she disguises herself as a young man, Cesario. What does Viola plan to disguise herself as when she goes into the town in Act 1 Scene 2 of Twelfth Night,? b. interpersonal skills are not important. 'In her disguise the captain is her helper. She first disguises herself for protection in a foreign land, she wishes the sea captain to help her dress as a man so that she can find employment. The survivor of a ship-wreck that separates her from her twin brother, Viola washes up on shore in Illyria, where she decides to cross-dress as a boy and take a job at Duke Orsino's court. Numerous events and conflicts from Twelfth Night are dependant on Viola's disguise, as she is caught in between Olivia and Orsino's affection due to her disguise.
Viola hides her sexulaity because she dosent have a man to vouch for her social status, this then a looks her to work for the Duke Orsino. She is of high status and could do well if others knew who she was, but instead she chooses to live as a man: "Conceal me what I am, and be my aid,/ For such a . This has many consequences for herself and others. Orsino and Cesario have candid conversations about love and relationships, and Orsino seems to highly value Cesario's opinions. Viola hides her sexulaity because she dosent have a man to vouch for her social status, this then a looks her to work for the Duke Orsino. The third disguise is Sir Toby. Just as Viola's male disguise enables her to get close to Lady Olivia, dressing as a man allows Viola to experience a great degree of intimacy with Duke Orsino. How does Viola disguise herself? The protagonist of Twelfth Night.An aristocratic woman, she is tossed up on the coast of Illyria by a shipwreck at the beginning of the play and disguises herself as the pageboy, Cesario, to make her way.Throughout the play, Viola exhibits strength of character, quick wit, and resourcefulness. Answer and Explanation: Viola disguises herself as a man because while she would have liked to work for Olivia, the ship's captain tells her it would be impossible. So she. How does Viola disguise? While in disguise, she has been charged with wooing Olivia on behalf of Orsino, but by now Viola is in love with Orsino herself. One can surmise tha. Just as Viola's male disguise enables her to get close to Lady Olivia, dressing as a man allows Viola to experience a great degree of intimacy with Duke Orsino. c. technical skills are necessary, but insufficient, for succeeding in management. The is an on purpose disguise for the benefit of a normal life and survival. They may be in doubt as to the physical and mental traits of others of his women, Lady Macbeth, Beatrice, Portia, or even Juliet; but the heroine of "As You Like It" lives in their eyes as well as in their hearts and minds, a very . This is looked at in more depth in " Cross-Dressing in Shakespeare Plays ." This plot device allows Shakespeare to explore gender roles as with Portia in The Merchant of .

Gender Disguise in Shakespeare. C. She shaves her head and wears a false beard. Then we meet Viola who has been shipwrecked and . Thus the negative effects of Viola's disguise appear to outweigh its benefits. Winning the prize. Through her disguise, she assumes typically male roles such as of the 'fool', and the comic value of her double identity is heightened through the questioning of the gender conventions of Shakespearean theatre. Why does Viola want to disguise herself as a man? Although a lady, Viola disguises herself as a gentleman to protect her youth and maidenhood in Illyria. It would help her get a job in the Duke's court. 122-125). An old man. She first wanted to serve Olivia (due to how the story of love moved her [Viola]), but entered Orsinio's . What was before a simple plot of a man trying to win over the girl, is now a complex story of a love triangle. Viola de Lesseps's dream is to act, but as women were barred from the stage, she must disguise herself as a young man in order to fulfill her dream. Rosalind took a calculated risk while disguising herself as a man. She disguises herself as a young man, calling herself "Cesario," and becomes a page to Duke Orsino. Viola disguises herself as a man, Cesario, so that she can get employment by serving Duke Orsino.

Disguise herself as a man. The easy answer is that Shakespeare always uses people in disguise to complicate his plots (Peck and Coyle-93). This is looked at in more depth in " Cross-Dressing in Shakespeare Plays ." This plot device allows Shakespeare to explore gender roles as with Portia in The Merchant of . 24 Votes) Viola - A young woman of aristocratic birth, and the play's protagonist. Create your account to access this entire . This play was written during the Elizabethan period, where woman had more subservient roles. In the play, Viola disguises herself as a man named Cesario while Olivia goes to work in the house of Duke Orsino. A. The play also suggests that Orsino's feelings . View this answer. (A) He is Orsino's fool (B) He is Viola's butler (C) He is Sir Toby's butler (D) He is Olivia's . Stage Rosalinds. The easy answer is that Shakespeare always uses people in disguise to complicate his plots (Peck and Coyle-93). And there does not have to be one set reason for her decision. Why does Viola disguise herself as a man? The play opens with Orsino, the Duke of Illyria talking about his love for Olivia. It is a time of celebration where disguise is common, in her grief she could want to become her brother or want to hide herself to grieve, and finally men have more freedoms than woman at this time. Why does Viola want to disguise herself? She says, 'conceal me what I am, and be my aid. Viola reflects on the uncomfortable position she finds herself is. Explore the Use of Disguise and Deception in Twelfth Night 2351 Words | 10 Pages. answer choices . Viola is Twelfth Night 's gender-bending heroine. "For the Elizabethans," Bradbrook Sea Captain. In William Shakespeare's play "Twelfth Night", Viola's disguise plays an important role. What is Malvolio's position? Become a maid <p>Disguise herself as a man</p> alternatives <p>Dress like her brother</p> <p>Carry a letter from her father</p> <p>Become a maid</p> . In William Shakespeare's play "Twelfth Night", Viola's disguise plays an important role. Viola disguises herself as a man because while she would have liked to work for Olivia, the ship's captain tells her it would be impossible. She first wanted to serve Olivia (due to how the story of love moved her [ Viola ]), but entered Orsinio's service to be involved in the love affair somehow. Supriya Maity September 23, 2020. 1. Answer (1 of 4): Yes, Why not So Deception is a pivotal theme of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. Viola wonders if she might become a servant for Olivia, but she is not seeing any visitors. Why does Viola disguise herself as a man? Just as Viola's male disguise enables her to get close to Lady Olivia, dressing as a man allows Viola to experience a great degree of intimacy with Duke Orsino. 2-3) What Managers Do 2. Why does Viola disguise herself as a man? Antonio. Although a lady, Viola disguises herself as a gentleman to protect her youth and maidenhood in Illyria. In Twelfth Night, Viola dresses as the male Cesario in order to gain entry into Orsino's court. Viola disguises herself as a young man and, under the name of Cesario, gets a job as a servant for the Duke, Orsino. This has serious consequences for herself and the others around her. The easy answer is that Shakespeare always uses people in disguise to complicate his plots (Peck and. If Viola sought service with Olivia, the play would not have had the effective comedy of a woman in a man's disguise.

This has serious consequences for herself and the others around her. She has no means of support so she needs a job. "Disguise, I see thou art a wickedness, / Wherein the pregnant enemy does much" (II.ii.27 -28). Not knowing what to do or where to go, Viola decides to disguise herself as a boy and, calling herself . Unfamiliar words: words that your class might not know or that are used in an unfamiliar context. Viola lands in Illyria after a shipwreck in which her twin brother, Sebastian is lost.

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why does viola disguise herself as a man